Do you have anything you feel troubled or uneasy about importing goods from Japan? "I want to import something, but I do not know what I should do", I guess that there are such persons.
For those, I asked the person who has ever experienced the importing in the USA about the import situation in the US and what he feels about SUPER DELIVERY.
The article below is written by him, check it!

Online shopping has made it easy to connect with markets from all over the world. Since finding what you want can be done with the click of the button, buying those specialty goods from abroad has become easier— and cheaper— for Americans than ever before.
Unique Japanese products like clothing, collectibles and figurines, beauty and health products, and electronic items, have become increasingly popular in the United States. With online ordering, there’s now easy access to all of these specialty items that would normally not be widely available to Americans.
Things to Consider When Importing Items From Abroad
Remember that once you purchase any items online from a foreign country, those items must then be “imported” into the USA.
All items must go through U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), so make certain before purchasing goods that they comply with federal and state import regulations. Import-banned items risk being confiscated or returned.
Any internet purchases may also be subject to customs duties in the U.S. or import tax, so it’s important to anticipate and take this into account. Thanks to a new trade law announced recently, however, Americans can now purchase goods with a higher maximum limit than before without duty or import taxation.
For more information regarding limits and customs regulations, along with more helpful details on foreign internet purchases imported to the U.S., please refer to the following sites:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) website:
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) website:
Despite the presence of customs and duties, you can have access to a range of these unique products, brought to you directly from Japan with SUPER DELIVERY.
Benefits of Ordering from SUPER DELIVERY

Oftentimes overseas purchases require you to pay consumption tax, which you then must later file a request for refund. With SUPER DELIVERY purchases, there’s no need to worry about this time-consuming procedure for a refund, since they are exempted from this consumption tax(8%). In addition, SUPER DELIVERY purchases have a shorter processing time for invoices during export to insure efficient delivery and products are also at wholesale prices.
What do you think about his story and the import from Japan to America? Could you feel that it is easier to import than your expectation? We hope that you can find the ideal Japanese items, and this article would be efficient for your business.
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